Seminar Prayer Preparation


PRAYER is the Foundation and the Roof to all our Ministries!

This how-to-manual is provided by the Northern New England Conference Prayer Ministries

It is absolutely impossible to overstate the importance of prayer - earnest, fervent, sustained, continual prayer - to the success of this ministry. Please I implore you, as you prepare for these meetings, make this your top priority! Following are some suggestions, not all of which will be applied in all cases, but prayerfully take what you can use and ask The Holy Spirit to lead you into a deep Prayer Experience as the “Body of Christ”. We will be praying for your success!

I. Prayer coordinator and prayer team.

Choose a prayer coordinator and if you do not presently have a functioning prayer team try to start one ASAP. Choose a leader if possible with natural leadership abilities, one who knows and loves the Lord and who can inspire others with his own zeal and passion for prayer. Just remember that "God grows His own" and sometimes He gives us some amazing "surprises" when we let Him lead.

II Goals, Aims, "Visioning"

I suggest that you call together your board of elders and your church board (either together or separately) to pray for these meetings and to try to answer such questions as "What should we as a church family hope to gain from these meetings". "What is our greatest need as a church family and how can this series help in meeting that need?" Also every church member should be encouraged to put in writing (even if it's only for his own use), their personal goals aims and aspirations.

III How to organize the pre-meeting prayer focus

o Find out who is willing to be involved in prayer ministry and to what degree.

o Have the prayer coordinator develop a "prayer calendar" covering a time period beginning maybe two weeks before the meetings start until their conclusion. On it put the names of those who have agreed to give prayer cover, when and/or for how long they will be praying. For instance, if you have enough dedicated prayer warriors to pull it off, it would be wonderful if during the actual days of the meetings, someone, somewhere could be praying every hour, day and night around the clock.

o In your pulpit presentation in the weeks leading up to the meetings, do all you can to prepare the hearts and minds of the people.

o In your bulletins, church newsletter / pastoral letters (In fact if you don't do pastoral letters this would be a good time to do one!) use a series of reminders to carefully build up interest and enthusiasm in your members.

o "Prayer cells" each with four to six people and a designated leader can give powerful prayer support.

o If interest warrants, call some special meetings, solely and specifically for the purpose of praying for these presentations.

o Creative use of the telephone can yield awesome results.

o Prayer partners (one on one) can call and pray with each other daily.

o If facilities exist for a conference call God is on the line and is "ready when you are". Visit the website to obtain your own conference call line.

o Set up a box where guests and members can submit prayer requests. If appropriate some of these could be prayed for publicly in Sabbath School or church. Those not wishing to have theirs read could mark them "private". Those not used could be given to prayer team members to pray for at home.

IV What to pray for during the pre-meetings - Prayer focus

o That everyone present will surrender their wills fully to Jesus.

o Unity! This is the time (and could be the opportunity of a lifetime) for wounds to be healed, for differences to be set aside, for wrongs to be made right, for forgiveness to be earnestly sought and freely given, for church feuds, fights and differences to be set aside and left behind.

o A massive outpouring (baptism) of the Holy Spirit individually and collectively.

o Reformation & Revival – A return to “primitive godliness” to sweep across your church.

o A passion for lost souls and a hungering to share with them what God is dong in your own life.

o Victory over sin, for the chains to fall off, for the captive to be set free, for the strangling and crippling habits and attitudes of a lifetime to be broken.

o Healing. That God's healing grace will be present to totally heal all the wounds that Satan has inflicted - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

o If possible make sure that every member gets prayed for by name at least once every day.

o Pray for perceived needs (families and individuals) specifically and by name.

o Pray, pray, pray for backsliders, weak or inactive members, unsaved family members, ex-members, attendees who are not members, etc. Especially pray for any who have left us over real or imagined grievances.

o And don't forget to pray for some divine "surprises".

V How to organize prayer during the meetings

o Set up a prayer room or if that is not possible, designate an area with as much privacy as possible as a prayer center. If at all possible, have at least one prayer warrior on site praying whenever a meeting is in progress.

o If enough interested prayer warriors are available, prayer room coverage can be extended in both directions (before and after the meetings) or even at other times during the day.

o Make sure that someone prays with the speaker personally before each meeting.

o Encourage your prayer coordinator to develop strategies for involving the youth, children's divisions and Sabbath School classes in this prayer initiative.

o Regularly pray with and for any and all support personnel involved in these meetings.

o If some are willing to sign up for a stint (20 - 30 minutes works well) in the prayer room, provide a list of united prayer points to be covered. Or encourage them to pray while sitting in the meetings. Their on-site observations can lead to some valuable targeted prayers.

o Sign up people to pray for the meetings wherever they may be, even if they cannot personally attend.

o At the speaker's option, he may invite prayer team members and others to meet with him for a short season of prayer just before each meeting begins or for a debriefing / prayer session after the meetings.

o Don't forget to pray for some of God's special surprises.

VI Prayer focus during the meetings

o The speaker; Pray that he will be able to think clearly and speak fluently and powerfully with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, being super-sensitive to God's guidance.

o Atmospherics; Pray that people may sense God's presence from the moment they walk in the door. That each team member may perform his part with divine efficiency and that the team as a whole may function as a smoothly coordinated unit.

o That distraction be neutralized / kept at a minimum and that all equipment work properly and reliably.

o Target individuals who have experienced special prayer needs as well as other whose needs may not be so obvious. Try to lift up each attendee every day as well as praying for those who have not showed up. Pray that all may be brought to that "spiritual sweet spot" of assurance and victory in Jesus.

VII Prayer ministries offered to others during the meetings

o Those with special prayer requests could be encouraged to come to the prayer room before or after the meetings where a prayer team member will be available to pray with them.

o It is vitally important that all prayer needs and requests be recognized / cared for during the series. Many will be more vulnerable and open to the Holy Spirit then they have ever been. God will work wonderfully and miraculously upon the hearts and minds of many to prepare them for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Some will reach out for the helping hand of another human being. To these dear ones we must be especially sensitive and attentive.

It would be well if a special "prayer request coordinator" could be chosen whom people could call with their requests. They could be prayed with over the phone, their requests could be shared with the prayer team or, in special cases, they could be put in touch with someone who is so intimately connected with God that he/she can connect with them on the deepest spiritual level. By God's grace many who have given up all hope, who have been disillusioned, mistreated, exploited and abused can be rescued and restored - trophies of God's love, "stars that will shine forever and ever".

And Remember:

o Little prayer, little power - Much prayer, much power.

o Every member a praying member.

o Prayer is the Key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse!

o Forward on our knees.

This how-to-manual is provided by the Northern New England Conference Prayer Ministries (coming soon)

Dennis Smith
Hits: 13578

Prayer for the Latter Rain of the Spirit - By Dennis Smith

I have found that even though most Christians believe prayer is important, many do not understand why prayer is really necessary.  Many question: If God is sovereign and able to carry out His will, why do we need to pray for Him to do what He already wants and plans to do anyway?  Some reason that prayer is primarily for our benefit, but God is still going to do what He wants whether we pray or not.  The idea is popular that it is a “privilege” to pray, but not really a necessity for God to carry out His will on earth.  The truth of the matter is, it is necessary for God’s children to pray.  Why else would Jesus tell us to pray that God’s will be “done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).  If believers do not pray, God’s desires will not be carried out in this earth.  In this article we will see why this is true.


Prayer is as essential to our Christian life and the work of God on earth as breathing is to everyday living.  If one refuses or is unable to breathe his life ceases.  If one refuses to pray for himself, he will be very weak spiritually and ultimately cease to be a Christian.  If believers neglect to pray for the lost, their efforts to win them to Jesus Christ will be of no avail.  It requires prayer to bring life to ourselves and to those who are spiritually “dead.” Prayer is required to sustain spiritual life and advance God’s kingdom.


I am sure many Christians - at least those living in these last days – have asked themselves: “Why is prayer so important?  Isn’t God going to do what He wants to do whether I pray or not?”


Satan wants to confuse the believer concerning prayer.  He wants to keep us from understanding the vital role prayer plays in the work of God in this earth and in saving the lost.  Satan knows that if he can get the Christian to be negligent in the area of prayer he has little to fear concerning the believer’s spiritual growth in Christ or his effectiveness as a laborer for God in His work on earth.


I believe God’s Word teaches that prayer is necessary for an individual and church to experience revival. Prayer is necessary for the “strongholds” of Satan to be cast down, and for the saving of the lost. Prayer is necessary for a Christian to remain strong in the Lord.  Prayer is necessary for the latter rain of the Spirit to be poured out.  I find it amazing that prayer, which seems so powerless and insignificant to the natural man, is so necessary and powerful for the spiritual man.  Why is prayer so important and necessary in the Christian’s life and God’s work?  Let’s look at the creation of mankind to find the answer.


Why Prayer Is Necessary


When God created Adam He created man in His own “likeness” and “image”, (Genesis 1:26-27).  The Hebrew word translated “likeness” is “damah”, which means “similar to.”   The Hebrew word translated “image” is “tselem” and means a “resemblance” or “representational image.”  The word is used when referring to an idol, which represents a god.  When God created man He created him in many ways like Himself. 


God did something else when He created man.  He gave man “dominion” on earth (Genesis 1:26-27).  The Hebrew word translated “dominion” is “radhah”, which means “to rule” or “reign” over.  Adam was to be the ruler of this world as God’s representative.  He was to “keep” the earth (Genesis 2:15).  The Hebrew word translated “keep” is “shamar”, which means to “guard against intruders”, “to preserve and keep safe.”  Adam was to be God’s authoritative representative on earth.  He was to be the earth’s watchman or guardian.  He was to “re-present” God on this earth.


The psalmist further describes the position God gave man at creation.  David was inspired to write that God crowned man with “glory and honor” (Psalm 8:5).  Looking again at the original Hebrew words translated “glory” and “honor” we find that man was given “majesty” similar to a king’s reigning authority.  Hence, we see that at creation the earth was put under Adam’s authority.  What happened on earth depended on Adam.


Adam’s authority and ruler-ship on earth was so complete that Adam was in a position to give this authority away to another.  We know the sad story of Adam’s fall as recorded in Genesis chapter three.  Adam gave the authority of this earth over to God’s archenemy, Satan.  Satan well knew what he had gained when Adam yielded to his temptations to disobey God.  When tempting Christ in the wilderness, Satan showed Him all the “kingdoms of the world” and stated: “All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it” (Luke 4:6).  Jesus never disputed Satan’s claim to have authority and dominion over this earth.  In fact, three times Satan is called the “ruler of this world” in the New Testament (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). 


Christ, the Second Adam, Regained What the First Adam Lost


Even though Satan gained dominion over this earth through Adam’s fall God did not change his decision to work through humans to carry out His will on this earth.  So complete was this decision that it was necessary for God to become man to win this world back (John 1:1-3, 14).  The first Adam gave man’s authority over this earth away.  The second Adam, Christ, won it back and brought deliverance to Satan’s captives (Romans 5).  At the creation of this world God established the principle that humans were to forever be His means of exercising His authority and activity in this earth.


This brings us to the main focus of this article on why prayer is essential for the Christian’s spiritual growth, for the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth and for the latter rain of the Spirit to be poured out.  Prayer is necessary because from the beginning God intended to work through humans, not independent of them, in carrying out His will on earth.  God works through the prayers of His people. 


When God wills to do something in this earth it is necessary for man to pray that God do it.  Many examples of this are seen in both the Old and New Testament.  We are to ask for “God’s will be done on earth” (Matt 6:10).  We are to ask for our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).  We are to pray “laborers be sent into the harvest field” (Matthew 9:38).   Paul asked believers to pray for the advancement of the gospel (2Thessalonians 3:1).  All these things are God’s will.  However, it is necessary for man to pray for them because prayer releases God’s power to carry out His will in this earth.  Remember, it is God’s plan to work through man, not work independent of him. 


An Example


We see a very clear example of this in the experience of Elijah.  God told Elijah there would be a drought for three and one half years.  In order for the drought to happen it was necessary for Elijah to pray that it occur (James 5:17).  Three and a half years later God promised to send rain and end the draught (1Kings 18:1, 41-44).  Again Elijah knew it was necessary for him to pray for the rain if rain were to come even though it was God’s will to send the rain.  We are told that Elijah had to pray seven times before the rain came.  Elijah knew if he stopped praying for God to fulfill His promise to send rain the rain would not come.  Ellen White points out the necessity of Elijah’s persistent prayer when she states:


“Had he given up in discouragement at the sixth time, his prayer would not have            been answered, but he persevered til the answer came.” SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 2, p.1034


Persistent prayer is often required in releasing God’s power in this earth.  When God desires to do something He moves upon the heart of His children to pray for it.  However, we are always free to refuse to yield to His call to prayer.


Satan’s Fear


That is why Satan is more afraid of the praying Christian than the active, working Christian.  That is why Satan will do all in his power to keep you from becoming a Spirit filled, Spirit directed prayer intercessor for God.


Ellen White wrote:


“There is a mighty power in prayer.  Our great adversary is constantly seeking to keep the troubled soul away from God.  An appeal to heaven by the humblest saint is more to be dreaded by Satan than the decrees of cabinets or the mandates of kings.” In Heavenly Places, p.82


Prayer for the Latter Rain


Zechariah 10:1 is a call to pray for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit.  Since prayer has always played a vital role in enabling God to carry out His will on earth it should be no surprise that prayer is also necessary for the latter rain of the Spirit to be poured out on this earth.  Of this necessity Ellen White wrote the following.


“But near the close of the earth's harvest, a special bestowal of spiritual grace is promised to prepare the church for the coming of the Son of man.  This outpouring of the Spirit is likened to the falling of the latter rain; and it is for this added power that Christians are to send their petitions to the Lord of the harvest ‘in the time of the latter rain.’  In response, ‘the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain’ (Zech. 10:1).  ‘He will cause to come down… the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain.’ (Joel 2:23). (emphasis added)


The prayers of God’s people remain before God and will be answered according to His divine providence.  John describes this in the book of Revelation where the prayers of the saints are pictured as being in “golden bowls.” 


"…Each one (four living creatures & 24 elders) had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." Revelation 5:8 NIV


God's people have been praying for the latter rain for many centuries.  God today is calling for His end time people to join with the saints of past generations in praying for latter rain power for the finishing of God's work.  Not one of those prayers of the past or present generation will be lost.  All are accumulating in the "golden bowls" before the throne of God.  In answer to those prayers God will pour out His Spirit (of fire) in latter rain power.  John depicts this great event in chapter eight of Revelation.


"And I saw the seven angles which stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.  And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.  And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake." Revelation 8:2-5


Ellen White understood this when she wrote:


"The revenue of the glory has been accumulating for the closing work of the third angels message.  Of the prayers that have been ascending for the fulfillment of the promise – the descent of the Holy Spirit – not one has been lost. Each prayer has been accumulating, ready to overflow and pour forth a healing flood of heavenly influence and accumulating light all over the world." Manuscript Release, Vol. 21:155


The day will come when the final prayer surge filling the bowls to over flowing will bring about the great out pouring of the latter rain of the Spirit.  The hope we have of this mighty out pouring of the Spirit is also a call to prepare for that great event.  The truth is; if we are not spiritually prepared by daily receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit we will receive no benefit from the latter rain when it falls.  Therefore, as we continue to pray for the latter rain I encourage all to daily seek the Lord that our hearts and lives may be fully surrendered to God.


For a further study on the necessity of prayer, and the importance of understanding and experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit I recommend my books, Spirit Baptism & Prayer and The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

A People of the Word Ready for the Latter Rain - By Dennis Smith

Those who are ready to receive the latter rain of the spirit, make it through the time of trouble and are ready to meet Jesus will definitely be a people of the Word of God.  The Bible will have played a major role in enlightening them concerning God’s will.  They also will have learned the truth that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). 


A Lesson of Faith


I had the opportunity to practice this when I went to Indonesia to conduct seminars on the Holy Spirit.  Indonesia has a large Muslim population.  Being an American and a Christian are not the most popular characteristics for a person to have there.  Satan tired to make me fearful.  However, I choose to depend 100% on God’s Word.  Such promises as those found in Psalm 34:7 and Isaiah 54:14, 17-18 were very comforting to me.  I do know that we may be called to become a martyr for Christ.  Yet, God put these promises on my heart and they gave me peace and security in Him.


Also, in many countries the sanitation and disease potential is greater than in the United States.  Satan tried to make me fearful that I would become sick.  However, again I choose to trust God’s promises that I would be protected from Satan’s attacks in the area of health.  I was doing all I could to practice God’s health laws.  So I looked to God and His Word for protection.  Such promises as the following gave me courage and faith that I would not get sick.


“And these signs shall follow them that believe; …and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Mark 16:17-18 


“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 


I choose to make these promises personal and believe them completely.  I traveled to several places in the country, ate at restaurants in cities and in the rural areas and never got sick.  I learned what it means to live by the words that proceed from the mouth of God.  That is the lesson God will continue to teach all who will allow Him to prepare them for the latter rain and Christ’s coming.  There will come a time when all that God’s people will have is their faith in God’s Word.  All earthly support will be withdrawn.  Their money will be worthless.  All they will have is God to look to for their daily needs. 


One of our ministers in Indonesia told me of an evangelist from the West who was afraid to eat the food the people provided.  He brought his own food and water.  This didn’t go over very well with our Indonesian people.  Besides that, he ended up getting sick anyway.  I did not what this to be my experience when seeking to minister to God’s people.


Faith, Not Fear


We must never become fearful of what Satan might do to us.  Job said,


“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job 3:25  NIV


When we fear we show doubt in God’s Word.  Fear is the opposite of faith and gives Satan a right of passage into our life in the very area we fear.  Instead of fear, we must put our complete trust in God’s Word.  Remember, “faith is not believing God can.  Faith is knowing God will.”  We must have the confidence expressed by John:


“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” 1John 5:14-15


This is the kind of faith and confidence in God’s Word those will have who are ready to receive the latter rain and make it through the final crisis.


Meditate on the Word


In order for us to have this kind of faith we must become very familiar with God’s Word.  It must become our meditation day and night (Joshua 1:8).  Then our ways will be prosperous and victorious.  We will be like a “tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season (Psalm 1:2-3). 


God’s Word is to play a major role in our victories over temptation and sin.  It does more than simply informs us concerning what is sin (Romans 7:7).  It is by faith in the promise of the Bible that we obtain victory and become like Christ (2Peter 1:4). 


Paul calls the Word of God the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).  The Greek word translated “word” in this verse is “rhema”, which means spoken Word.  Therefore, the Word of God spoken in faith will bring the changes in our life that are necessary for us to become like Jesus in character and ministry.  Jesus spoke of this when He said;


“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Mark 11:23


Notice that Jesus strongly emphasized the importance of “saying” what we believe will happen.  When we speak the will of God as revealed in His Word and believe what we say, it will come to pass in our life.  Speaking the Word of God in faith is a very powerful weapon.


Ellen White wrote of the power of God’s Word.


“The creative energy that called the worlds into existence is in the word of God. This word imparts power; it begets life. Every command is a promise; accepted by the will, received into the soul, it brings with it the life of the Infinite One. It transforms the nature and re-creates the soul in the image of God.


“The life thus imparted is in like manner sustained. ‘By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4)…”  Education, p.126


“The father of lies quakes and trembles when the truth of God, in burning power, is thrown in his face.” Vol.5, Testimonies, p.426


There is no shortage of power to transform us into the image of Christ.  Faith in God’s promises bring the Holy Spirit’s power into our life.  When we learn how to exercise the weapons of our warfare, we will then be able to pull down every stronghold Satan has in our life, whether spiritual, emotional or physical (2Corinthians 10:4-5).  For a more detailed description of how we are to obtain the victory over Satan in our life through God’s Word and the abiding presence of Christ I recommend my books, Spirit Baptism & Abiding in Christ and Spirit Baptism & Deliverance.


Avoiding Deception


Just before Jesus comes Satan’s deceptions will be very effective in leading multitudes away from God and cause them to be lost when Jesus comes.  The deceptions will be so powerful that “if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:24).


Understanding and accepting the Word of God is essential in order to avoid the deceptions of the last days and being ready for the latter rain.  Paul warns us:


“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”  2Thessalonians 2:10-12


We are in serious danger if we choose to reject the teachings of God’s Word.  Through God’s Spirit living in them, those who receive the latter rain and are ready to meet Jesus will have a love for God’s Word.  It will be their meditation day and night.  It will be their guide in every aspect of life.  They will agree with the Psalmist when he wrote that the commandments of God’s Word are “more to be desired than gold and sweeter than the honey comb” (Psalm 19:10). 


Only those who have diligently studied God’s Word and by His grace ordered their lives after its instruction will be shielded from Satan’s last great deceptions just before and during the time of trouble.  Only they will make it victoriously through the last great crisis and be ready for Christ’s coming.  Ellen White writes concerning this with the words:


“Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures, and who have received the love of the truth, will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive. By the Bible testimony these will detect the deceiver in his disguise. To all, the testing time will come. By the sifting of temptation, the genuine Christian will be revealed. Are the people of God now so firmly established upon his Word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses? Would they, in such a crisis, cling to the Bible, and the Bible only?” The Great Controversy, p. 625


This is why Satan does everything he can to keep God’s people from digging deep into God’s Word.  He knows if he can cause them to neglect personal Bible study and prayer they will not be ready to receive the latter rain that is necessary to make it through the final crisis.  They will ultimately yield to his temptations.  Ellen White warned us of this.


“Satan will, if possible, prevent them [God’s people] from obtaining a preparation to stand in that day. He will so arrange affairs as to hedge up their way, entangle them with earthly treasures, cause them to carry a heavy, wearisome burden, that their hearts may be overcharged with the cares of this life, and the day of trial may come upon them as a thief.”  The Great Controversy, p. 625


This goes right along with Jesus’ warning recorded in the gospel of Luke.


“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and [so] that day come upon you unawares.  For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:34-36


It is clear from God’s Word and the Spirit of Prophecy that those ready to receive the latter rain of the Spirit and meet Jesus will be a people of the Word of God.  They will have learned the lessons of putting their complete faith in God’s Word and will look to God’s fulfillment of His Word for their daily provisions.  They will be just like Jesus Who applied the Word of God to every aspect of His life and met every temptation with a “thus says the Lord” (Matthew 4).


This is the reason the Lord allows His children to go through difficult times now.  Such times give them opportunity to trust His promises.  Just like Peter walking on the water.  He left the boat at Jesus word.  He was actually walking on Christ’s word.  It was not a presumptuous act.  However, when he began looking at the danger of the situation; the huge life threatening waves, his faith wavered.  He lost sight of Christ and began to sink.  We must learn the lesson to “walk on Christ’s word” in all situations.  Such lessons of faith are necessary for God’s people to learn if they are to be ready for the latter rain and victoriously make it through the final crisis of earth’s history.

Pentecost at Indian Creek - (Written February 12, 2009)

I have just returned from experiencing a truly “Pentecostal” encounter with God; an experience similar to what the disciples must have had in that upper room 2000 years ago. I had heard of such “Holy Spirit events” happening on rare occasions in the Christian church. I along with every other Christian have longed to experience an “upper room,” but in over 40 years as a Christian it never happened to me. Oh yes, I have been in meetings where the presence of the Holy Spirit was strongly felt. I have had times where His presence was so strong and sweet that no one wanted to leave; but none like I have just had. This was 100 times more powerful and amazing than anything I had ever experienced before.

I was invited to attend a pastor’s meeting for the South Central Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The meetings were held at Indian Creek Camp; the camp grounds and retreat center of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference. One of the subjects to be presented during the 4 day meeting was the baptism of the Holy Spirit along with an emphasis on prayer. I had heard that a prayer team had been brought in to specifically pray for the meetings even before they began, and during each session. Every speaker was personally prayed for by the prayer team before his presentation by a prayer team member before a meeting began, plus two pastors would also pray for the presenter as he was about to speak. So, knowing this and the subjects to be presented I felt that all who attended would be blessed. Oh My! Were we blessed!

It all began on Sunday night, February 8, 2009. The meeting began with prayer and praise singing. The presentation for the evening was on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the necessity of pastors daily experiencing the Spirit’s infilling in order to present God’s Word “not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power.” The pastor’s were challenged to take seriously God’s call for them to receive the Spirit’s baptism. However, in order to receive, all sin must be renounced and total obedience to God willingly given in lifestyle and ministry (Matthew 5:6). The pastors were challenged with the necessity of an intense thirst or desire for the Spirit’s infilling (John 7:37-39). It was pointed out that one would not receive this blessing if he felt it was not needed or the dependence in ministry was on methods, plans, or education; M.Div, D.Min, PhD, etc.

The pastors were also challenged that the desire to receive the Spirit’s infilling must be pure and not motivated to be a great preacher, a soul winning superstar; no motive for human greatness must be involved. The only acceptable motive is to honor and glorify God in one’s life and ministry.

At the close of the presentation the speaker asked the pastors to get in groups of two or three and pray unitedly for three things; for God to pour out His Spirit on the meetings, for God to prepare our hearts to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and for God to bring revival into our life and the church. After all had prayed the speaker then closed with prayer, and the song “Spirit of the Living God” was sung by all while still in an attitude of prayer.

Immediately after the prayer and song was finished pastors began mentioning several of their colleagues who were going through difficult times. The pastors gathered around these individuals and began earnestly interceding to God for them. An intense spirit of intercession began to be felt. Then pastors began confessing their wrongs and seeking to make things right between themselves and their fellow pastors. Praises to God were expressed. This spontaneous intercession, confession and praise continued for some time. As it was drawing to a close the speaker for the night said that he had planned to have the pastors specifically pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit the next morning after the devotional. He also said it was clear that God had already answered the united prayer for God to prepare our hearts to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that we should fall on our knees right now and claim the promise of the baptism of the Spirit. This is what we did. There followed an intense crying out to God in deep earnestness to be filled with His Spirit. Total submission was expressed.

At the end of the prayer spontaneous praise continued for some time. We all left the meeting amazed at what we had just experienced. We knew something unique and powerful in the Spirit had just taken place unexpectedly.

The next morning (Monday) the meeting began with praise singing and time was given for testimony. Again unexpectedly powerful testimonies began coming forth. Individuals became transparent and shared the difficulties they were facing; not just professionally but personally. Tears were shed and an intense caring and concern by their fellow pastors was felt and expressed. Wrongs continued to be righted. Pastors confessed negative feelings they had felt toward conference leadership and asked for forgiveness. Conference leaders asked forgiveness for any hurts they had caused. Intercessory prayers continued to take place. This outburst of praise, tearful confession, personal transparency and intercession went on for over an hour. The morning speaker then spoke on the necessity of brokenness in order for God to fill us and use us. We all identified with the experience of brokenness, for many had been transparently sharing the experiences of brokenness they were going through. The session was closed with another season of united prayer for God to continue to baptize us with His Spirit and pour out His Spirit on these meetings.

Throughout Monday we continued to feel that the Spirit was doing something amazing in our midst; something totally unexpected and never before experienced by most of us in the meeting. The conference president shared that only one time before in his ministry had he experienced such a Pentecostal outpouring of the Spirit. It was such a powerful experience that he had longed to experience it one more time in his life. The previous Pentecostal outpouring had taken place in Africa many years before. He had wondered if it would ever happen in America, but now God had answered his prayer.

After all that had happened Sunday night and Monday everyone was tired Monday evening, and enjoyed just fellowshipping with one another. Yet, we felt the Spirit had more planned.

Then the Holy Spirit manifested Himself in the most amazing, marvelous, and unbelievable way; words can’t express the experience. It happened Tuesday morning. The meeting began as usual with praise singing followed by testimonies. The Spirit fell upon us even more powerfully than before, and heart felt confession was expressed, personal pain in the most transparent manner was shared, and intense intercession ascended to God. Men began weeping with such intensity. Their colleagues drew near them, holding them and praying for them. The conference president began praying. All gathered around him laying hands on him and each other. The Holy Spirit took over his prayer and we all felt in the presence of God. Tears flowed. Following that prayer men and the women present were praising God, embracing each other, and praying together in small groups.

It was approaching lunch time and we thought the meeting was about to end. The entire morning was filled with what I described above supplanting two scheduled speaker’s presentations. We didn’t mind because we all knew the meeting was 100% under the Holy Spirit’s direction. He had taken over the schedule. Planning to draw the meeting to a close, we all got into a large circle to hold hands and offer a benediction prayer. One pastor spoke up and said he felt the Lord wanted to “seal” this experience with a miracle, and he prayed for God to do just that.

One of the pastors was sitting in a chair still weeping uncontrollably. He was placed in the middle of the room with pastors gathering around him for prayer. Several prayed for their colleague. Then one of the pastors knelt before him, and specifically prayed for God to continue to fill this heart broken man with His Spirit. The pastor was led to forgive those who had hurt him, and ask God to forgive them and bless them. Many pastors encircled the weeping pastor and the one praying. Hands were laid on the weeping pastor and on one another. All the pastors were invited to participate in this prayer of forgiveness of all who had hurt them. Many pastors entered into this prayer. Once the forgiveness was expressed every oppressive spirit that was seeking to bring discouragement was commanded in the name of Jesus to depart. The power of the Holy Spirit was intensely felt, pastors became free from all negative feelings and emotions, a spirit of great joy and love filled each heart. Shouts of praise were heard. One pastor began shouting at Satan that he was a liar. The pastor who had led in the prayer of forgiveness next laid hands on this pastor who was still feeling so much pain, and now was on his hands and knees on the floor. He was asked who he needed to forgive. The forgiveness was expressed, and Satan was commanded to leave. Again the power of the Spirit was strongly felt, and this pastor was released and filled with joy and praises to God.

We were all experiencing deliverance from Satan’s oppressions. Joy and love was filling every heart. Praises continued to be expressed. Then one lady came forward to have prayer for her arthritis. Again God’s deliverance was manifested, and she arose from her chair walking without pain rejoicing in her deliverance.

God had just answered the prayer to manifest a miracle. He had performed many miracles of emotional deliverance and even a physical deliverance.

Tears of joy, shouts of praise, and prayers of thanksgiving continued for some time. We didn’t want to leave the room; it was the “upper room” of Pentecost. We were experiencing Pentecost and didn’t want it to stop. Some were so filled with the Spirit that they couldn’t even eat lunch. Everyone was basking in the blessings the Spirit had poured out on us. We were filled with thankfulness to God for blessing us with His presence in such a manner that words cannot express. I even heard numerous pastors say that they could now die and be content. I guess one would have to have been there to really understand what those words meant. This was the greatest experience we had ever had in the Lord when Pentecost came to Indian Creek.

David Berthiaume
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