Seminar Prayer Preparation


PRAYER is the Foundation and the Roof to all our Ministries!

This how-to-manual is provided by the Northern New England Conference Prayer Ministries

It is absolutely impossible to overstate the importance of prayer - earnest, fervent, sustained, continual prayer - to the success of this ministry. Please I implore you, as you prepare for these meetings, make this your top priority! Following are some suggestions, not all of which will be applied in all cases, but prayerfully take what you can use and ask The Holy Spirit to lead you into a deep Prayer Experience as the “Body of Christ”. We will be praying for your success!

Dennis Smith
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Prayer for the Latter Rain of the Spirit

I have found that even though most Christians believe prayer is important, many do not understand why prayer is really necessary.  Many question: If God is sovereign and able to carry out His will, why do we need to pray for Him to do what He already wants and plans to do anyway?  Some reason that prayer is primarily for our benefit, but God is still going to do what He wants whether we pray or not.  The idea is popular that it is a “privilege” to pray, but not really a necessity for God to carry out His will on earth.  The truth of the matter is, it is necessary for God’s children to pray.  Why else would Jesus tell us to pray that God’s will be “done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).  If believers do not pray, God’s desires will not be carried out in this earth.  In this article we will see why this is true.

Dennis Smith
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4 Levels of Holy Spirit Influence

The Holy Spirit has been in this world from the beginning of creation (Gen 1:1-2).  This is the first level of Holy Spirit influence.  The Holy Spirit functions in the natural world as well as in the sphere of man.  The Spirit does not stop natural or manmade destruction.  However, He does determine the level of destruction and the carnage nature or man can cause.  In short, the Spirit limits Satan’s power in this world; limiting his power over the natural world and over the human sphere.  We see this in the story of Job.

Dennis Smith
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A Purpose for All Ministries


In this article I want to challenge the reader to take another look at a very important subject:  What is success in church ministry?  I will consider what we base our criteria for success on and then I will then address the criteria for success that we find in the Bible?

Dennis Smith
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Pride Victory

When you are forgotten or neglected or purposely set at naught and you can smile inwardly glorying in the insult or the oversight – that is victory!  When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your tastes offended, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed and you take it all in patient and loving silence – that is victory!  When you are content with any food and raiment, any climate and society, any solitude, and interruption – that is victory!  When you can bear with any discord, any irregularity, any unpunctuality, any annoyance – that is victory!  When you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensibility, and endure it all as Jesus endured it – that is victory!  When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation, or to record your own good works, or to seek after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown – that is victory!

Abiding in Christ and Ministry

Ministry for the Lord can become a heavy burden at times and filled with anxiety and stress before the Christian comes to understand and experience true abiding in Christ and His abiding in him. However, once the mystery of union with Christ is experienced everything changes. Ministry for the Master is a joy and the stress and burdens are relieved.


Dennis Smith
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My Journey From Lukewarm to Spirit-led

Twenty-four years ago I was sitting in my office at St Kilda Road, Melbourne, with $1 to my name. I had been searching for meaning and purpose all my life through many different religions, denominations, and lifestyles. That night I cried out to God in tears to reveal Himself to me, and to tell me where His true church was. Two weeks later, while I was walking on Bondi Beach in Sydney, some young people gave me a book on the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and their predictions about the kingdoms of the world until the end of time. I was challenged by what I read and was eventually led to receiving Bible studies from a local Adventist pastor in Victoria. I was convinced by my discoveries and six months later I was baptized. 

Colin Hone
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A People of the Word Ready for the Latter Rain

Those who are ready to receive the latter rain of the spirit, make it through the time of trouble and are ready to meet Jesus will definitely be a people of the Word of God.  The Bible will have played a major role in enlightening them concerning God’s will.  They also will have learned the truth that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

Dennis Smith
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God’s Last-Day Elijah Message

John the Baptism gave the first Elijah message to prepare God's people for Christ's first advent.  The 3 angel's messages of Revelation 14 are the second Elijah message to prepare God's people for Christ's Second Advent.  Therefore, that message and John's message should be similar.  John called for repentance, obedience, and pointed to Christ as the "Lamb of God."  He also pointed to Christ as the One who "baptizes with the Spirit."  Therefore, God’s last-day Elijah message should also include a call pointing to Christ as the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.  Hence, the message on the baptism of the Holy Spirit should be included in God's last-day message to His people. 

Dennis Smith
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Pentecost at Indian Creek - (Written February 12, 2009)

I have just returned from experiencing a truly “Pentecostal” encounter with God; an experience similar to what the disciples must have had in that upper room 2000 years ago. I had heard of such “Holy Spirit events” happening on rare occasions in the Christian church. I along with every other Christian have longed to experience an “upper room,” but in over 40 years as a Christian it never happened to me. Oh yes, I have been in meetings where the presence of the Holy Spirit was strongly felt. I have had times where His presence was so strong and sweet that no one wanted to leave; but none like I have just had. This was 100 times more powerful and amazing than anything I had ever experienced before.

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