God’s Last-Day Elijah Message

by Dennis Smith
Hits: 5280

John the Baptism gave the first Elijah message to prepare God's people for Christ's first advent.  The 3 angel's messages of Revelation 14 are the second Elijah message to prepare God's people for Christ's Second Advent.  Therefore, that message and John's message should be similar.  John called for repentance, obedience, and pointed to Christ as the "Lamb of God."  He also pointed to Christ as the One who "baptizes with the Spirit."  Therefore, God’s last-day Elijah message should also include a call pointing to Christ as the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.  Hence, the message on the baptism of the Holy Spirit should be included in God's last-day message to His people. 

This is why God is working to lead His people to understand and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  There is a clear connection between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and God’s last-day Elijah message that must be given in preparation for Christ's second coming.  The call to understand and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit is just as much a part of that message as the 3 angel's messages.  Also, John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit in the womb because it was necessary for him to be baptized with the Spirit in order to preach the first Elijah message in the Spirit and power of Elijah.  The same applies to God’s people today who are called to give the last-day Elijah message; we too must be Spirit filled in order to give the message in the Spirit and power of Elijah.