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from Pastor Smith
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Once the Spirit's infilling is received the recipient's witness will be with power, and their life will be changed into the likeness of Jesus. It is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that Jesus lives in the Christian. That is why the Apostle Paul could write, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20
Pastor Dennis Smith is the founder of Holy Spirit Ministries and has brought this message to many different venues around the globe.
Colin Hone is the Director of International Ministries and Associate Speaker (Located in Australia).
Leslie has traveled to many countries doing revival meetings and sharing the message of the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit, righteousness by faith and emotional healing and experiencing God's Love.
Gary Blanchard, General Conference Youth Director, has a passion is to travel around the world proclaiming the three angels message and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Helmut represents Holy Spirit Ministries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland promoting the 40 days and 10 days devotionals by Pastor Smith for revival and reformation.
Tedgirt Pomicpic is a teacher in Thailand preaching on revival and reformation in connection to the 40 and 10 Days books.
Friday is working as a medical missionary and evangelist in Zambia Africa.
Pastor Nasoni Lutunaliwa is the Departmental Director Fiji Mission of Seventh-day Adventists.
Alex serves as the personal Ministries and sabbath school director at the Martinique SDA conference in the Carribean and also runs the lay training school in Martinique.
Lindy a wife and mother of two adult children is a Prayer Ministry Coordinator and Lay Preacher.
Lucas is a lay preacher who lives in British Columbia Canada.
Pastor Rugless is a revivalist and an evangelist, emphasizing Righteousness by Faith through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Janet has been working in Ethiopia and Canada to share this life-changing message.
Rachael has been doing revival meetings in churches in Papua New Guinea as a full-time volunteer lay person.
PRAYER is the Foundation and the Roof to all our Ministries!
This how-to-manual is provided by the Northern New England Conference Prayer Ministries
It is absolutely impossible to overstate the importance of prayer - earnest, fervent, sustained, continual prayer - to the success of this ministry. Please I implore you, as you prepare for these meetings, make this your top priority! Following are some suggestions, not all of which will be applied in all cases, but prayerfully take what you can use and ask The Holy Spirit to lead you into a deep Prayer Experience as the “Body of Christ”. We will be praying for your success!
I have found that even though most Christians believe prayer is important, many do not understand why prayer is really necessary. Many question: If God is sovereign and able to carry out His will, why do we need to pray for Him to do what He already wants and plans to do anyway? Some reason that prayer is primarily for our benefit, but God is still going to do what He wants whether we pray or not. The idea is popular that it is a “privilege” to pray, but not really a necessity for God to carry out His will on earth. The truth of the matter is, it is necessary for God’s children to pray. Why else would Jesus tell us to pray that God’s will be “done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). If believers do not pray, God’s desires will not be carried out in this earth. In this article we will see why this is true.