Rachael Kaum Kamuri

Rachael has been doing revival meetings in churches in Papua New Guinea as a full-time volunteer lay person.

Rachael Kaum Kamuri Email: r_kaum@hotmail.com

Rachael was introduced to the book 10 Days of Prayers and Devotions to Experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Dennis Smith in October 2014. "Although an Adventist from childhood, the teachings brought a new perspective on understanding the Bible truths I already knew. I realized the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit through whom Jesus lives in me. This compelled me to share what I have learned." Rachael’s passion is to share the message of Jesus living in us through Baptism of the Holy Spirit so we can be like Him in character and ministry. Rachael has been doing revival meetings in churches and distributing the 10 days devotional, 50 days devotional and Steps to personal revival books to help with revival in Papua New Guinea as a full-time volunteer lay person.