40 Days - Book 12 | Prayers and Devotions on the Nature and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

For centuries, Bible scholars have struggled with the concept of God in their efforts to more clearly define His being. Yet, defining God is impossible because the true nature of the Creator is beyond humanity's ability to fully comprehend. Even so, we read His Word. We look for revelations in nature. We study the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we learn about Their shared purpose and varied functions.
So now, are you ready for an amazing and blessed adventure with the Lord? This devotional study focuses on the Third Person of the Godhead: the Holy Spirit. By committing to forty days of Bible study and prayer, you will experience a deeper relationship with Christ and you will be prepared and empowered to reach others with the blessed hope of faith.
This book is the twelfth in the series of the 40 Days devotionals. As with the first eleven books, this devotional is designed to prepare God's church for Christ's second coming as well as to help His people reach out to others in preparation for that glorious event. This preparation begins with church members who are willing to commit to forty days of prayer and devotional study to develop a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ.