Spirit Baptism & New Wineskin Fellowship
- by David Berthiaume
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My journey to better understand the biblical teaching of the baptism of the Holy Spirit began in the fall of 1999 when the Lord led my wife, Patty, and me to begin studying this subject. Since then many facets of this marvelous biblical teaching have been revealed.
We have come to understand that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience necessary for the Christian to become truly like Jesus in life and ministry. Through Holy Spirit baptism Jesus lives most fully in the believer. As a result of this intimate connection with Jesus, the believer will begin experiencing his greatest victories over sin and will develop the most meaningful relationship possible with his Savior. In
my book, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, I present the biblical teaching on this subject as well as presenting what the believer will experience when he seeks the Spirit’s infilling.
Next the Lord led to the biblical study of the relationship revival and witnessing for Christ have to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, closely examining Christ’s method of evangelism. In my second book, Spirit Baptism & Evangelism, I explore this subject along with the problems last day Laodicean Christians face and the solution to those problems. Our urgent need for revival and how revival is experienced is presented.
In addition, I present the biblical meaning of intercessory prayer for the unsaved along with addressing the pertinent question: “Why does God need our prayers?”
Recently, the Lord has led Patty and me on the next leg of our journey, which is to better understand the relationship between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and genuine Christian fellowship. We have come to understand that even though we may receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we will not grow spiritually as God intends without a meaningful, mutually dependent fellowship with other Spirit filled believers. To
become Spirit filled, and remain somewhat isolated and independent of other Spirit filled Christians will not only hinder our spiritual growth, but may lead to the loss of the fullness of the Spirit’s presence in our life.
It is urgent that every Spirit filled believer understands the genuine Christian fellowship into which God desires to lead us. The goal of this book is to clearly show the connection between Spirit baptism and fellowship, and to define what kind of fellowship God desires for His children.
This study has caused me to experience a “paradigm” shift in my thinking about what “church” really is meant to be. I am by nature an introvert and can be very satisfied avoiding fellowship. However, what I present in this book has challenged me to move forward in personal fellowship with other Spirit filled believers. This has resulted in a much deeper and richer experience in the Lord, and has led to stronger bonds of Christian love with fellow believers.
I became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian in 1966. 1 made my decision to join the church because of the clear biblical teachings held by Seventh-day Adventists. Having served the Lord as all active layman and as a pastor for many years, I have encountered many opposing arguments to the teachings of our church. I have personally found that every argument can be clearly refuted by systematic Bible study. The pillars of our faith are biblically sound.
However, I have also discovered through the years that Seventh-day Adventists tend to be very intellectual in their religion. We know many vital truths of the Bible. Our evangelistic efforts focus on those that set us apart from other denominations. Hence, many who choose to become church members do so because of those truths.
One fact that has often troubled me is the general weakness of Seventh-day Adventists in the area of Christian fellowship. We are a rather independent group of believers. One has to have somewhat of an independent spirit to become a Seventh-day Adventist in the first place, for choosing to keep the seventh day Sabbath sets us apart from the vast majority of other Christians.
I have often read the description of the believers following Pentecost where they are described thus:
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42
I knew as a church we were “right on” when it came to “doctrine.” However, when it came to fellowship, we did not fare so well. I have observed that most Adventists are hard workers who provide for their families and do their best to attend the Sabbath morning worship service. Most church services are somewhat formal with little or no time for interaction between believers. Hence, the average fellowship consists
of warm greetings before and after church. Then, most make their way home to return the next Sabbath. Many of our churches have a mid-week prayer meeting which usually consists of a biblical presentation by the pastor and a season of prayer. However, most of our church members feel they are too busy or too tired to attend this mid-week service.
I have often felt that as Seventh-day Adventist Christians, fellowship should play a more important role than it does. Yet, until recently, I did not know what kind of fellowship God wanted us to have or how to achieve it.
The aim of this book is to clarify the nature of the fellowship God calls us to when we become a Christian and the way we can experience it. My prayer is that the reader will not only experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit in his/her life, but will discover the wonderful joy of genuine Christian fellowship among Spirit filled believers. Now I am convinced that it is not only necessary to be Spirit filled; but it is also essential for the believer to experience genuine Christian fellowship so that we will be able to grow to the “stature of the fullness of Christ” as individuals and as a church.
The Fruit of the Spirit and New Wineskin Fellowship
Two essential elements of effective new wineskin fellowship groups are the fruit and gifts of the Spirit manifested in the lives of the participants. There is only one way these can be present. The participants must be Spirit filled.
In this chapter we will consider the role the fruit of the Spirit plays in the new wineskin fellowship. If the fruit of the Spirit are not present and maturing in the participants’ lives, they will not receive the full benefit of the fellowship group. Also, they will not have the character necessary to minister to their fellow participants.
The fruit of the Spirit are listed in Paul’s letter to the Galatians:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Realizing the importance of these qualities existing in the lives of the participants of fellowship groups, let’s take a closer look at each fruit and see the significant role it plays.
The first fruit is love. The Greek word here is “agape” love, the highest form of love. It is the kind of love with which God loves us, doing what is best for the one loved. Jesus described this kind of love in the following way:
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44
Paul describes “agape” love with the words:
“Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (Living Bible)
This fruit will allow the participant of a fellowship group to manifest understanding and sensitivity to others in the group. His/her example will tend to quiet any harsh tones or attitudes in others. Also, he/she will not have a judgmental attitude when a participant shares with the group his personal struggles. Rather, the fruit of love will cause him/her to feel empathy and compassion. He will reach out to the one hurting with healing, encouraging, redemptive words.
The fruit of joy brings rejoicing and gladness to the heart. The one manifesting this fruit will “rejoice in the Lord always.” (Philippians 4:4) This fruit enables the Spirit filled believer to have a positive, uplifting influence on others. He will have developed the tendency to follow Paul’s counsel:
“. . . whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8
This fruit of genuine joy in the Lord is not simply forced, phony levity. It is a deep inner joy in the Lord, and will be a wonderful healing balm for the individual who is hurting. By example and admonition the joy filled Christian will have a positive influence on others.
The fruit of peace refers to harmony among individuals. Peace in the Spirit filled believer will enable him to fellowship and work for Christ in unity with others. This fruit is clearly evident following Pentecost. (Acts 2:46-47)
The new wineskin fellowship group participant exhibiting peace will have the attitude of being content with his lot in life. He with Paul will be able to say:
“. . . for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11
This peace will be present in the life of the Spirit filled believer independent of circumstances. Jesus spoke of this peace when He said:
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
It is obvious the important role this fruit plays when it is manifested by a participant in a fellowship group. What a blessing this fruit will be for the participant that is going through a trying time and is tempted to doubt God’s leading and care. The one possessing this fruit will be able to share with confidence that he knows from experience God will provide for His children. Such testimonies founded in this fruit of peace will have a powerful impact for good.
This fruit also includes a state of conscious reconciliation with God. When we have received Christ as our Savior, we know we are accepted by God and have eternal life. (1John 5:11-13) Often visitors will be present at the fellowship group who are just coming to know Christ as their Savior. The one manifesting this fruit of confident assurance of their salvation will be used by God to strengthen the new believer in his/her budding experience in Christ.
The fruit of longsuffering causes its recipient to have forbearance and self-restraint before acting. It describes the quality of a person who is able to avenge himself when wronged, yet refrains from doing so. Jesus gave us a clear example of this when He stood before his persecutors. Peter describes Christ’s attitude in 1Peter 2:23:
“Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:”
We all experience hurts in life. Such offences even happen in the church. Often individuals in the fellowship group will be going through painful episodes in their lives. The Spirit filled believer manifesting this fruit of patience will be a wonderful example for these hurting participants. Because this fruit brings to the believer patient faith under the pressure of trying circumstances, the one possessing it will be used by God to help others going through difficult times in their lives. The infilling of the Spirit has led him to know God so well that he can rest assured that God will see him through the most trying situations. Such patience exhibited in a fellowship group has great healing power.
This fruit will also enable the Spirit filled participant to relate with perseverance rather than frustration when a fellow participant has a prolonged struggle in an area of his life. This patient love will give hope to the one struggling because he will see the patient love of God manifested in his fellow believer.
Gentleness is a fruit that includes the quality of kindness. It brings a mellowing of all which would be harsh. This fruit refers especially to one’s disposition and not necessarily to one’s actions. It gives the believer mildness of temper, a calm, quiet, yet cheerful disposition. We can clearly see the benefit this fruit would have on the fellowship group.
This character trait refers to active goodness. The Spirit filled believer in whom goodness dwells will be upright in heart and life, in motive and conduct. However, He will not spare sharpness or rebuke to invoke goodness in others. Jesus manifested this quality when He cleansed the temple of the moneychangers. (Matthew 21:12-13) We also see this quality manifested in Paul when he openly rebuked Peter for showing favoritism to those of the “circumcision.” (Galatians 2:11-12)
This aspect of the fruit of goodness will at times be needed in a fellowship group when one of the participants has acted out in a non-Christian manner. It plays a role in holding accountable the members of the new wineskin fellowship. There is a place for acceptance and understanding when a participant is struggling with temptation. However, there are also times when certain sins and lifestyles may have to be lovingly rebuked for the good of all. At such times, the Holy Spirit’s presence in the fellowship group will direct. When the chastising aspect of the fruit of goodness is manifested toward an individual, he knows in what spirit it is given because the other fruit of the Spirit have been consistently manifested to him in the fellowship group. These fruit of the Spirit have created an atmosphere where true redemptive discipline and healing can take place.
The fruit of faith brings deep, abiding, firm conviction. It includes faithfulness and sincerity. This fruit leads the believer to avoid “double mindedness” (James 1:8), and will cause him to be steadfast in his conviction of God’s faithfulness.
In the setting of the new wineskin fellowship group, this fruit will he used by God to strengthen the faith of others. We reap what we sow. Doubt reaps doubt, and faith reaps faith. The fruit of faith consistently manifested in the fellowship group will also inspire others to trust in God. This fruit of faith will sow the seeds of faith in all exposed to it.
The fruit of meekness brings mildness and forbearance to the Spirit filled believer. It is more of an inward grace than all outward expression. It includes calmness toward God and accepts God’s dealings with us as just and fair. It will cause the believer to consider God’s dealings as good, believing the happenings in life enhance one’s closeness with God. Meekness causes one to truly believe that “all things work together for good to them that love God.” (Romans 8:28) Again, one can clearly see the positive effect this fruit would have on individuals going through difficult times.
Meekness may also include the expression of wrath when confronting sinful behavior and attitudes in man. We see this quality in Jesus’ actions and attitude toward the hardness of heart of the Jews in Mark 3:1-5. It may display an active anger toward evil. It is seen in the attitude of those sealed in Ezekiel’s vision when they are described as sighing and crying for the abominations done in the world. (Ezekiel 9:4)
This fruit of meekness stands between the two extremes of uncontrolled, unjustified anger on the one hand, and not being angry at all no matter what takes place around you on the other hand. When exhibited in fellowship groups, this fruit will help keep in balance justified anger versus ignoring a wrong that should be dealt with.
Temperance speaks of self-control. The person who exhibits the fruit of temperance will be moderate in all things. (1Corinthians 9:25) He will have complete control over every passion and appetite. Victories will be gained over addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and food.
There will be participants in new wineskin fellowship groups that are having struggles in the area of self-control. The Spirit filled believer who has learned how to gain victories over the addictions in his life through the power of the Holy Spirit will be a great encouragement to those who are going through a time of severe struggle. The fruit of patience and love will enable him to deal with the one struggling, as Jesus did with Mary Magdalene. Many Bible Scholars interpret the seven devils Jesus cast out of Mary as referring to her returning to her immoral lifestyle seven times. The reason Mary could return to Jesus again and again after such repeated sins was because of Jesus’ patient love and encouraging words that she, too, could gain the victory in the area of temperance.
These qualities which comprise the fruit of the Spirit are impossible to achieve separate from the infilling of the Spirit. This is why new wineskin fellowship groups must have Spirit filled Christians as the core participants. Then, when those young in the faith and “seekers” (non-believers) come to visit the group they will enter a Spirit filled atmosphere that can be used by God to bring healing to their lives. Such an atmosphere is vital in order for the “seeker” to find Christ.
New wine (Spirit filled) Christians are necessary if the new wineskin fellowship group is to fulfill its purpose of providing an atmosphere where all participants can grow into the fullness of Christ. The fruit of the Spirit, which is only manifest in the life of the believer by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, must be present in the lives of the core members of the fellowship group. These fruit bring the character of Christ into the group. It is through people that God loves us. So it will be through the Spirit filled Christians that God will reveal His love to all who come to the new wineskin fellowship, whether they are Christian or non-Christian.
At the time of the writing of this book, Dennis Smith is serving as pastor in the Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Dennis has served the church as an active layman, and in pastoral and departmental positions for over 35 years.
Dennis received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Colorado State University. While at Colorado State, be became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. After working in Engineering for a short time, he felt the call to full time ministry. To fulfill that calling, Dennis attended Andrews University Theological Seminary and received a Masters of Divinity degree. Dennis has also done studies in the area of public health from Loma Linda University.
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